Woocommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity Plugin Documentation

The Minimum Maximum Quantity Plugin is a WooCommerce extension designed to provide advanced control over purchase quantities. This plugin enables administrators to set minimum, maximum, and incremental quantity restrictions for products, categories, and tags. It also supports user role-based and country-specific settings, ensuring a tailored and efficient eCommerce experience.

Key Features

  • Set minimum and maximum purchase quantities.
  • Configure step increments for product quantities.
  • Apply restrictions based on:
    • Products
    • Categories
    • Tags
  • Define rules for specific user roles.
  • Implement country-specific restrictions.
  • Schedule rules by date range, time range, and specific days of the week.
  • Full support for product-level settings.

Setting Up Rules

To configure the plugin, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rule Settings

Navigate to the plugin settings page and create or edit a rule. The following options are available:

1. Change Rule Title

Set a custom title for the rule to identify it easily.

2. Restriction Options

  • Product: Select specific products to which the rule applies.
  • Category: Choose categories for applying restrictions.
  • Tag: Select tags to define rules for specific groups of products.
  • Purchased Item Quantity Restriction: Enable this checkbox to sum the quantity of purchased items in the cart for checking against the maximum quantity limit.

3. Date and Time Restrictions

  • Date Range: Set a start and end date for the rule.
  • Time Range: Define a time range for the rule to be active.
  • Select Days: Choose specific days (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) for the rule to apply.

Step 2: Quantity Restriction Settings

In this tab, configure the following options:

1. Enable Setting for Roles

  • Select the roles for which the rule should apply. Available roles include:
    • Administrator
    • Customer
    • Author
    • Contributor
    • Subscriber
    • Guest
  • Check the appropriate boxes to enable functionality for specific roles.

2. Minimum and Maximum Quantity

  • Min Qty: Define the minimum purchase quantity.
  • Max Qty: Define the maximum purchase quantity.

3. Quantity Step

  • Set an increment value for quantity. For example, a step of 2 will allow quantities like 2, 4, 6, etc.

4. Country-Specific Rules

  • Select one or multiple countries where the rule will apply.

5. Product-Level Settings

  • Configure specific rules for individual products to have their own unique minimum and maximum quantity restrictions.

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Limiting Purchase Quantities for a Product

  • Product: “Premium Coffee”
  • Rule: Minimum 2 units, Maximum 10 units, Step 2.
  • Result: Customers can only purchase 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 units.

Scenario 2: Restricting by User Role

  • Role: Guest
  • Rule: Maximum 5 units for “Exclusive Membership” product.
  • Result: Guests can purchase up to 5 units, while logged-in users are unrestricted.

Scenario 3: Country-Specific Restriction

  • Country: United States
  • Rule: Minimum 3 units for “Handcrafted Furniture” category.
  • Result: US-based customers must purchase at least 3 units.

Installation and Setup

Plugin Installation

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and select the plugin ZIP file.
  4. Click Install Now.
  5. Once installed, click Activate.

Initial Configuration

  1. After activation, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Minimum Maximum Quantity.
  2. Configure global settings or start adding rules for specific products, categories, or tags.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I apply rules to specific products?

Navigate to the rule settings, select the “Product” option under restrictions, and choose the desired products.

2. Can I apply restrictions to a specific user role?

Yes, the plugin allows you to enable settings for specific roles such as Administrator, Customer, Author, etc.

3. What happens if a customer tries to add a quantity outside the allowed range?

The customer will see an error message and will not be able to proceed with the purchase until the quantity meets the set requirements.

4. Can I define different rules for different countries?

Yes, the plugin supports country-specific rules. You can select one or multiple countries for applying the restrictions.

5. What is the purpose of the “Step” option?

The step option determines the increments in which quantities can be purchased. For example, setting a step of 2 means the customer can buy quantities like 2, 4, 6, etc.

6. How do I set rules for a specific date range?

Use the “Date Range” field in the rule settings to specify the start and end dates for the rule.

7. Can I set restrictions for specific days of the week?

Yes, use the “Select Days” option in the rule settings to choose specific days (e.g., Monday, Wednesday) when the rule will be active.

8. Can I set unique rules for each product?

Yes, the plugin allows you to define specific rules for individual products, giving full control over product-level quantity restrictions.